
5 Instagram Marketing Tips for Real Estate Businesses

luxury real estate social media strategy

Do you own a real estate business that isn’t getting the volume of customers you had hoped for? Do you want to work on building brand awareness in the hopes that can turn things around? One of the best ways to market any company right now is through social media, in particular Instagram. When used properly, Instagram marketing can prove to be an effective tool that your real estate business was missing out on.

Not sure where to get started with Instagram? Use these five marketing tips to help your real estate business realize its full potential.

Posts Should Draw Attention to the Town/City as Well

When posting a listing for a house it’s important to include key details that will grab the attention of people scrolling through your feed. And while house details are important, don’t forget to also promote the town/city. Just as you would discuss with potential buyers in person, you are selling a lifestyle, not just the house, so pointing out positives about the neighborhood and town will be important.

Post Regularly and Consistently

This tip can be used by any business that is using Instagram as a marketing tool. One of the worst mistakes you can make is not posting often enough or being inconsistent so that people never have an idea of when new content may go up. This will negatively affect the number of followers you have and your views.

Create Custom Stickers

One thing that is very popular on Instagram, and social media in general, is the use of stickers. So, here’s an opportunity to embrace a trend and use it to your benefit. You can create a custom sticker design with the content that speaks to your brand. You could even transform the company logo into a custom sticker if you choose. Then you can post the sticker on your Instagram, making it a regular appearance in your posts. Stickers tend to get noticed, so ask yourself what it is that you want to get noticed as you design it.

Engage In the Comments Section

Comments are very common on Instagram, and they help to get your posts seen, so this is something you want to encourage. But people need to feel as though you’re engaging back with them, which means being active in the comments section. In particular, it’s important to answer questions people may have about the listing. Taking the time to answer people could end up making the difference between getting the sale or losing out.

And let’s not forget that people may be on the hunt for a real estate agent that can list their homes. If you’re present and answer comments timely, this creates a very positive brand image. It could tip the scales in your favor, and they may award you the listing.

Including Video Can Have a Massive Impact

While posting an album of photos is certainly a good idea, as it gives people a better feel for the listing, there’s an even better option available. Anytime you can, it’s important to use video in your posts. A short video of walking up to the front door of the house and entering can be highly effective. You can even include short video clips of the main areas of the house, the backyard highlights and so forth. Video is always going to be more effective, so look for ways to use it as often as possible.

Using all these tips and making sure you keep up with your efforts means you’ll get to see just how effective Instagram can be in marketing your real estate business.


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